San Francisco area coastal wedding destinations

Things To Consider For A Wedding Ceremony – Half Moon Bay – California

Written by Terry Plank on . Posted in Wedding Tips

While your wedding ceremony is not the most time consuming activities or the greatest expense of our wedding, when everything is said and done the ceremony is why it’s all happening. Here are 10 things you might consider in preparation for your wedding ceremony. 1. Family Seating Usually the mothers of the Bride are seated before the ceremony starts. Occasionally grandparents are seated also. You also need to decide who will escort the family in. 2. Religious Or Secular Focus Do either of you have a spiritual or religious tradition that you want to express in the ceremony or do you want a secular approach? Do you want mention of God or a prayer? 3. Length Of Ceremony The basic elements of a ceremony, including a talk by the officiant ,usually takes about 15 minutes. If a longer time is desired, then other elements need to be added to the ceremony. 4. Other Elements Things to add to the service might include readings, special music, the Unity Candle, poems, or a special talk by a family member. 5. Briday Party Entrance The women can enter singly or the bridal party can enter as couples. The Bride can be escorted by a family member or signifcant person. If the women enter singly, then the men usually enter from the side along with the Groom and the officiant. 6. Wedding Talk By Officiant Usually the Officiant will give a few welcoming words and then give a short talk to the Bride and Groom. These can be general in nature or can include personal elements shared with the Officiant prior to the ceremony. 7. Wedding Vows There are hundreds of choices for vows, including writing your own. Here is selection of types of vows. 8. Rings Exchange What do you want to communicate during the rings exchange? What does it symbolize for you? The traditional is “With ring I thee wed.” But, it can be something unique as an exchange of committment. 9. Presentation Of The Couple Traditionally, the Bride became a Mrs. so the introduction would be, “Ladies and Gentlemen may I introduct Mr. & Mrs. Fred Johnson. ” Some brides take their husbands name, but prefer to be announced as Mary and Fred, husband and wife. This also works well when the Bride is keeping her last name. 10. Music Music is a key part of a ceremony. The first decision is what musical style best represents you, Classical or more popular contemporary music. Next is whether to have live music or use the DJ for the ceremony. A soloist is also an option for part of the ceremony. Go to for additional info on the elements of a ceremony. terry Plank Authored by Terry Plank

Coastside Wedding & Reception Location: Sam’s Chowder House – Half Moon Bay

Written by Terry Plank on . Posted in Reception Locations & Dining

Nestled on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, with beautiful ocean-front views, friendly service and a fantastic seafood menu, Sam’s Chowder House is a great location for a wedding reception or rehearsal dinner.

Sam’s is located in Half Moon Bay, approximately 30 miles South of San Francisco and is well known for their location and award winning seafood.

For receptions and rehearsal dinners, Sam’s offers semi-private and private dining options to accommodate a very small group up to 120 guests.  They are also available for a full restaurant buyout for up to 300 guests. They don’t charge a set-up or room fee, however a minimum for food and beverage is required for private dining specific to each private room.

Personalized printed menus are available for your special event and other special arrangements like flowers, themed decorations, place cards, cakes, and photography can also be provided.  A full service bar is also available. For a unique, memorable, dining experience you could serve your guests their authentic New England style Lobster Clambake.

Sam’s can also accommodate your wedding ceremony on the beach over-looking the ocean below the restaurant. It’s a casual but elegant option.

For more information go to

terry Plank Authored by Terry Plank

Selecting Wedding Rings – Half Moon Bay – California

Written by Terry Plank on . Posted in Wedding Tips

wedding rings
Getting engaged is a very special moment in people’s lives. Finding the right engagement ring and/or wedding sets is an important decision and should not be made in a hurry.

The most time-consuming part of buying wedding rings is selecting what you want. Jewelry stores will have a wide variety of wedding sets and bands to choose from and should be able to provide sizing and engraving options relatively quickly. If you are interested in having custom rings made, look for a quality jeweler who can work with you on the design and create them for you.

Main Street Goldworks is a family-owned jewelry store located in historic downtown, Half Moon Bay, CA. They have a beautiful selection of wedding jewelry in platinum, gold, and silver. As diamond brokers who travel to Antwerp, Belgium to buy diamonds direct from renowned sources, they have a large collection of high quality diamond jewelry.

Custom design is also available where you can be involved in the design process to ensure the durability and beauty of the design you wish to have created. Jay, the owner, is experienced in the art of hand-fabrication and creates beautiful pieces working directly with metal. Or, your design can be created in wax casting.

Personalized engraving is also an option and a great way to provide a special message that will be treasured for a lifetime.

For more information please see

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Half Moon Bay • CA • 94019 • (650) 726-0890